Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Batman and Superman Graphic Novel Reboots


OK, I'm excited about this one.

I know it's frowned on in certain circles, but I'm a comic book reader that no longer buys comic books and waits for the trade paperback collections. Why? Well, it's cheaper, the quality of the paper is better, and, most importantly, there's not a goddamn full-page ad every other page to interfere with the pace of the story.

I've wondered for some time when a major publisher would finally skip the traditional comic book format and go straight to making original graphic novels. If DC leaves the writers for these two titles alone, I think we'll find that these stories develop in a much more organic, satisfying manner than the traditional format.

Still, do Superman and Batman need another reboot?  Batman's already had one reboot this decade with Batman Begins, and that's a damn hard act to follow. And as Tom De Haven's It's Superman (seriously, best Superman story ever) proved, Superman really only works in the first half of the 20th century.

Still, I'm curious to see what J. Michael Straczynski can do with Superman, one of my least favorite superheroes (he's too powerful and too perfect for me). His work on Spider-Man was, to me, unparalleled in the history of the character.

Can't wait to give these a read.

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